Electrical and Automation Engineering
1. structure:
a. EiA design studio.
b. Industrial automation team.
c. EiA’s installation works team.
d. Mechanical Assembly Works Team.
2 Profile:
a. EiA Design Studio.
Offers the development of comprehensive designs for the electrical and automation industry (including LV and MV networks, LV and MV switchgear, monitoring systems, visualization
and control systems, SOT), moreover, multi-discipline designs (architecture, structural-construction, plumbing, HVAC), including building designs along with obtaining all necessary approvals.
with obtaining all necessary approvals and administrative decisions.
The designers have technical knowledge and many years of experience confirmed and supported by construction licenses to design without limitations in the design of installations both in heavy industry facilities, mining (including metal ores, coal), light industry, as well as in public facilities and residential buildings.
Technical designs developed based on the latest solutions from domestic and foreign manufacturers.
All design work is complemented by the execution of comprehensive costing documentation – in accordance with the accepted principles of costing based on catalogs of material inputs and individual analysis (in the case of specific solutions).
b. Industrial Automation Team.
Offers comprehensive software and hardware solutions designed
to control and monitor technological processes of both entire industrial plants as well as dedicated autonomous applications.
The proposed SCADA system solutions are based on hardware and software of the world’s leading manufacturers, have an open architecture allowing unlimited expansion, as well as flexible and efficient adjustment of the systems’ functionality to the customer’s needs. The flexibility of the created systems allows the use of the customer’s existing components and ICT infrastructure.
c. EiA Installation Works Team.
Responsible for the implementation of investment tasks – including turnkey – based on its own projects and those of other design offices, acquired in the course of ongoing tendering procedures.
Qualified executives with the appropriate licenses – including construction without limitations and supervisory licenses under the provisions of the geological and mining law – provide professional supervision of workmanship, while experienced staff guarantees reliable and timely execution of all construction, assembly and modernization works, both in the electrical and automation industry and in other industries.
Openness to working together with contractors to obtain optimal solutions allows us to carry out the most unusual tasks.
d. Mechanical Assembly Works Team.
Offers supervision of the execution and assembly of steel structures (supports, brackets, columns, beams, etc.) welded or bolted and welded or bolted pipelines of various diameters. The works are carried out both on the surface and, above all, in the workings, chambers and shafts of mining plants based on qualified and experienced mining personnel using their own specialized equipment and from prefabricated constructions within the framework of capital production capabilities (Energomontaż Świętochłowice Sp. z o.o.).
In addition, assemblies of installations of water, air conditioning, ventilation, compressed air, etc.
3 Examples of realizations.
- construction, reconstruction of switchgear buildings,
- assemblies and replacements of LV and MV switchgears, within primary and secondary circuits,
- modernization of MV cell switchgears, within the primary and secondary circuits,
- cable management (power cables, control cables, transmission cables) along with preparation of routes, including construction of cable trestle bridges,
- installation and replacement of transformers,
- implementation of control systems, monitoring (technological and CCTV),
- implementation of SOT technical protection systems,
- construction, reconstruction and modernization of main drainage and deep-water pumping stations – in the field of mechanics, electrics and automation.
4 Main contractors.
- KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
- Kogeneracja S.A. (PGE Energia Ciepła S.A.),
- Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A.
- Polska Grupa Górnicza S.A,
- Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A.
- Tauron Dystrybucja S.A.
- Tauron Wydobycie S.A.
5 Leading suppliers of equipment and apparatus.
- ABB,
- Elektrometal Energetyka S.A,
- Schneider Electric,