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ARP 200 system

The system is used for registration and analysis of low-frequency vibrations of the ground and structures in areas at risk of mining, tectonic, and communication tremors. The modular structure of the system allows the implementation of distributed measurement networks, wireless data transmission is implemented via GSM mobile telephony.

  • Sensor type: Bruel & Kjaer piezoelectric accelerometers

  • Number of vibration components recorded: 3
  • Transmisja sygnałów od czujnika do koncentratora: digital
  • Transmission of signals from the sensor to the hub: 1 km
  • Time base synchronization: GPS satellite clock
  • Dynamics of registration and processing: 90 dB Standard MODBUS RTU
  • Bandwidth of recorded frequencies: (0.5 ÷100) Hz
  • Maximum measurement range: (1000÷3000) mm/s2
  • Transmission method: GSM data

  • Transmission rate: 9600 bits